How to work more comfortably at home

How to work more comfortably at home

How do I set up my workspace? 

One of the first things to note is the importance of setting boundaries for yourself at home.  If possible, try to create a distinct working environment, where you are able to provide yourself with a suitable set up as if it were your office. Avoid working on your bed, as you will likely have inadequate support, and become prone to working in odd positions that may increase your risk of getting muscular aches and pains.

If you have a table and chair to work with, don’t worry if they aren’t adjustable, as you can make changes yourself. Laptops unfortunately compromise comfort with functionality, as unlike a typical monitor set up; the screen, keyboard and mouse are all compacted into one small device. This can affect the positioning of your shoulders, elbows and wrists, and even neck as many people often lean in to have a clearer view of their screens. Using a separate mouse and keyboard with your laptop will help to combat this issue and help prevent hunching over the laptop.

Monitor/ Laptop: The top of your screen should be at your eye level and can be helped with a laptop stand or the use of several books. Using a separate mouse and keyboard at desk height will allow for you to work more comfortably. Try to adjust your chair height so that your forearms are in line with the keyboard and is placed so that you are not reaching too far forward. If you don’t have an adjustable chair to achieve this, then try using a cushion to help.

Chair: The angle of your hips should also be roughly 90 degrees, and your feet should be able to touch the floor. If they can’t, you can use a foot stool, or several books to help. Providing some support for your lower back can be helpful and can be done with the use of a cushion. Finding a relaxed and comfortable position is important, make adjustments where you feel work best.

Reminders: There is often a tendency to slouch after sitting for prolonged periods of time. If you feel as though you are prone to this, you can write a reminder for yourself and keep it near to you. You can also then take this time to get up and move for a few minutes. 

Movement is important

Without a commute, and current reduction in exercise opportunities, it is easy to feel as though there is no effective way of keeping up physical activity. However, there are various alternatives to keep moving and exercise even at home. No equipment? No problem. Endless online resources available through Youtube and other apps to access the best workout for you to suit your needs. Whatever routine you use can be utilised to not only move more, but to also mark as a distinct end of the workday.

Remember, you are in control of your own health, and it is very important to take care of yourself and your loved ones at this time. So much time is spent working, yet it doesn’t mean you should stop looking after yourself during this period. Be proactive in taking care of yourself so you can also look after of the ones you care about.

If you’d like to follow a quick stretching routine, please click on the link:



Katie Bond-Webster is available for appointments at both Central Wellness and Stanley Wellness. To book an appointment, please get in touch with us!

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