Our Perineal Rehabilitation specialist Ayelet Assor has over 10 years of experience treating pelvic floor dysfunction and continence issues. She treats common, complex and chronic conditions, and uses Clinical Pilates as a rehabilitation tool.
Same-day appointments and home appointments are available.
Why is the pelvic floor so important?
The pelvic floor is the origin of three very important openings: the urethra, the vagina and the rectum. A healthy pelvic floor equals a healthy function for the urine system, faecal system and sex system.
The pelvic floor can be weakened by pregnancy, childbirth, prostate cancer treatment, obesity and the straining of chronic constipation.
When the pelvic muscles don't function properly, they can't support the pelvic organs properly and therefore every action that increases the intraabdominal pressure like cough, sneeze, jumping, running, laughing, lifting heavy carriage or children and more can cause a downward pressure towards the pelvic organs. Dysfunction muscles cannot prevent the stretching of connective tissues and or to bring to a complete closure of the sphincters, ending with urine incontinence and gas and faecal incontinence and different prolapses. In time, the whole pelvic floor can prolapse. Pelvic floor prolapse can lead to constipation, and difficulty urinating, ending with worsening the prolapse and damaging the nervous system in the area.
Common problems that we treat include:
- Urine incontinence: One of the most common problems among women. It is a social and hygienic problem that causes social, professional everyday actions difficulties to those who suffer from it. About 25%-30% of the women suffer from this problem, the percentage increase with age. Although this problem is very common and very easy to treat, a lot of women avoid talking about it and acknowledging the problem
- Faecal incontinence: this happens when there is no control on the rectal sphincters and stool comes out involuntarily. Faecal incontinence happens when there is no balance between the texture and the volume of the stool or a sensory decrease or a decrease in the pressure of the rectal sphincter
Constipation: extremely common. 20% of the population suffers from constipation. Constipation is when: you didn't have a bowel movement for at least 3 times a week, an everyday bowel movement that requires a lot of strength to complete, or an everyday incomplete hard bowel movement. Reasons for constipation include a slow movement of the stool in the intestine, bad diet and eating habits (not enough fiber, not enough fat, not enough liquids), certain medications and or lack of exercise. Long-lasting constipation putting a lot of pressure and strength in is the main reason for weak pelvic floor muscles and can result in faecal incontinence
Prolapse: it happens when one of the organs of the pelvic or the abdomen falls into one of the openings in the pelvic floor. For example, the rectum can fall toward the anus, or towards the vagina. Other organs that can prolapse are the uterus, the urethra and the urethral tube. The causes of prolapse can be heredity, age, gender, diseases, a lifestyle that causes chronic abdominal pressure, trauma, traumatic deliveries, and a few deliveries. There are different grades to prolapse and the grade is determined while testing the patient when he or she is coughing, lying down or standing.
The treatment
Pelvic muscle rehabilitation helps the patient to bring back the ability to use his or her muscles and joints in a harmonical way which is closest to the norm. The treatment is mainly on the damaged organ with an overlook over the whole body, assuming that local damage can affect and be connected to other body parts.
In pelvic muscle rehabilitation, the education of the patient is extremely important. The patient needs to understand the damage in the pelvic floor, the goals of the treatment, and how together with the therapist they will achieve them through exercise, TENS, sEMG, behavioral treatment and more.
Service Practitioners
Book an appointment
Central Wellness. 6/F, 15 On Lan St, Central, HK
Stanley Wellness. G/F, 120 Stanley Main St, HK